Maine Savvy Caregiver ProjectSavvy Caregiver is a training program for caregivers of people with dementing disorders, like Alzheimer's disease. It assumes that often family members take on the role of caregiving without any preparation or training.
Savvy Caregiver is a 12-hour program, usually offered in six 2-hour sessions, which provides caregivers with: 1. Knowledge Knowledge of the disease and how it affects the individual Understanding that the goal of successful caregivig is to help the person achieve periods of contented involvement. Knowledge of available reesources and services to support the individual with dementia as well as the caregiver. 2. Skills Skills to develop strategies for dealing with the losses that the disease produces in the person and that help the person to use the capacities he or she still has - so as to promote periods of contented involvement. Skills to take care of one's self in the role of caregiver and develop support in the caregiving role. 3. Attitude Attitude that fosters confidence and a sense or mastery in the caregiving role. Each session includes training, interactive exercises, and discussion. Between sessions, caregivers have readings to do and exercises and assignments to complete. They report back to the group on these home activities. Feedback is provided and strategies are developed to support successful caregiving. This project is sponsored by the Office of Elder Services (OES) - Department of Health and Human Services with funding from the U.S. Administration on Aging. Training is arranged and provided by Area Agencies on Aging and the Alzheimer's Association. To obtain more information about the training or to register for training near you contact : Sharon Ann Berz, Aroostook Agency on Aging, 1-800-439-1789 or 207-764-3396. Email at |